Un dron lanzallamas incinera nidos de avispas en China

por TV-Novosti


La adquisición del dispositivo se hizo realidad gracias a una campaña de recaudación de fondos que recogió más de 12.000 dólares.

Un grupo de voluntarios de búsqueda y rescate llamado Blue Sky Rescue, junto con habitantes de un pueblo chino en el condado de Zhong, extendieron el uso de los drones al convertir uno en un lanzallamas, con el fin de erradicar nidos de avispas, reporta Associated Press.

actualidad.rt.com/Dron equipado con lanzallamas quema un nido de avispas en el condado de Zhong, al suroeste de China, el 7 de diciembre de 2020/Blue Sky Rescue of Zhong County/AP.

La adquisición del dispositivo con el equipo de fuego montado se hizo realidad gracias a que la entidad sin fines de lucro logró recaudar más de 12.000 dólares. El dron se deshizo de 11 nidos de avispas de un total de 100 que se proponen erradicar.

"Ahora no tenemos que preocuparnos de ser picados por una avispa.", afirmó un residente local, citado por la agencia.


Drone converted in flamethrower incinerates wasp nests in China

Death from above! Drone is converted into a flying flamethrower costing £9,000 in dramatic Chinese campaign to destroy 100 wasp nests. Blue Sky Rescue teamed with villagers in Zhong county near city of Chongqing. Group raised 80,000 yuan (£9,200) to buy the drone and equip it with a gasoline.

Footage released by Blue Sky shows six-arm drone spiral up to the hive in a tree.

Blue Sky Rescue, a volunteer group and China's largest non-governmental humanitarian organisation, has teamed up with villagers in Zhong county near the city of Chongqing.

The group raised 80,000 yuan (£9,200) to buy the drone and fit it with a gasoline tank and an arm-length nozzle.

Footage released by Blue Sky shows rescue workers preparing the six-arm drone before it spirals up to the hive in the tree. 

The video shows the drone parallel to the nest, which is the size of a suitcase, before the operator flips the ignition switch and the nozzle spits bursts of fire onto the hiveTOP. The burning ashes of the wasp's nest gradually peeled off and fell, and the surrounding residents applauded and praised the rescue team,' said an article on a local news app run by state-owned Chongqing TV. 

The publication also quoted a resident who thanked Blue Sky for helping the village: 'Now we don't have to worry about being stung by a wasp.'

Footage released by Blue Sky shows the six-arm drone spiral up to the hive in the tree before the hive bursts into flames

In 2013 wasp stings claimed 19 lives in the Ankang, Shaanxi province, according to China Daily. 

Doctor Guo Dongyang of the nephrology department of the General Hospital of Chengdu Military described how the death rate for wasp stings is relatively high because people in remote areas are unable to seek treatment.

Publicado el 12 dic 2020 por  Viral Shots

Fuente:  actualidad.rt.com/viral/376754-dron-lanzallamas-aniquila-nidos-avispas/2020

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