Pilotar drones con la mente ya es una realidad

Manejar aviones con la mente ya no es el típico guión de una película de ciencia ficción. Un equipo de investigadores ha logrado realizar el primer vuelo de un dron pilotado sólo con los pensamientos.


Investigadores de varias empresas internacionales han realizado la presentación de su proyecto conocido como Brainflight: como resultado, un hombre ha sido capaz de realizar el despegue y el aterrizaje de un dron en una pista de Lisboa, Portugal, informa el portal Briefing

El piloto transmite comandos al dron a través de un casco electroencefalográfico especial con una serie de electrodos, que transforman las ondas cerebrales en señales procesadas para el aparato.

Ricardo Mendes, el jefe y coordinador de operaciones de Tekever, una de las empresas que está elaborando el proyecto, comenta que el vuelo de prueba representa un avance enorme en el mundo de la aviación.

Mendes espera que algún día la prueba realizada pueda aplicarse a los vuelos comerciales. 

Los científicos creen que el mundo tecnológico está preparado para introducir tales sistemas en diferentes esferas de la vida. Pero la pregunta que surge es: ¿La humanidad está preparada para esos cambios?

Fuente:  periodismo-alternativo.com/2015


Brain controlled drone shown off by Tekever in Lisbon

Brain-controlled drone shown off by Tekever in Lisbon

25 February 2015 Last updated at 00:03 GMT 

Technology that allows a drone to be piloted from the ground using only a person's brainwaves has been demonstrated in Portugal.

The company behind the development, Tekever, said the technology could in the short term be used to enable people with restricted movement to control aircraft.

Longer term the firm said piloting of larger jets, such as cargo planes, could be controlled in this way without the need for a crew on board.

However, one aviation expert told the BBC he thought the industry would be unlikely to adopt such technology due to a perception of being potentially unsafe.

'Everyday activity'

Drone specialist Tekever, which works with security firms, police forces and the military, adapted existing Electroencephalography (EEG) technology so it could issue instructions to the software used to give the unmanned drone instructions.

EEG works by detecting activity in specific parts of the brain. After several months of training, "pilots" are said to be able to teach their brain how to think about moving a small circle on a computer screen either up or down, which in turn steers the drone left or right.

"We believe people will be able to pilot aircraft just like they perform everyday activities like walking or running," said Ricardo Mendes, Tekever's chief operating officer.

"We truly believe that Brainflight represents the beginning of a tremendous step change in the aviation field, empowering pilots and de-risking missions, and we're looking forward to deliver these benefits to the market with highly innovative products."

'Bridge too far'

In the future, some of this technology may be put to use to control much larger aircraft, although Mr Mendes acknowledged considerable challenges with both regulatory hurdles and public confidence.

Those concerns were echoed by John Strickland, an independent aviation consultant based in London.

"This to me is certainly at the moment a bridge too far," he told the BBC.

"You could get someone radically-minded who might say it, but I'd be surprised if anyone would do it."

Mr Strickland said the airline industry was instead focusing its innovation efforts towards things like better materials and more economical engines.

Mr Mendes said the technology would incorporate safety measures to counteract the effects of someone having, for example, a seizure while piloting.


Publicado el 25 de feb. de 2015 por  crazy world

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