Irán prueba en vuelo una copia 'mejorada' de un dron espía de EE.UU.

por Fabián Bonetti


La televisión iraní ha difundido un video del despegue y vuelo de una copia de fabricación nacional del avión no tripulado estadounidense RQ-170 Sentinel. La aeronave furtiva fue construida a partir del diseño del original, derribado en 2011.ón pública del modelo de avión no tripulado RQ-170 Sentinel estadounidense (copia iraní).

Las imágenes muestran un aparato de color oscuro volando sobre unos terrenos montañosos no identificados. Después de realizar varias maniobras en el aire, la máquina toma tierra en un aeródromo.

La grabación representa la primera prueba fehaciente de que el dron en su versión iraní es operable y vuela con normalidad.

El jefe de la división aeroespacial de la Guardia Revolucionaria, el general Amir Alí Hayizadé, se burló de Estados Unidos en un comentario concedido al canal Alalam News sobre el derribo del Sentinel original, diciendo que "el pequeño golpe que sufrieron los norteamericanos se multiplicará cuando vean este material". avión RQ-170 Sentinel estadounidense que fue derribado y recuperado por las fuerzas aéreas de Irán, año 2011.  

Los ingenieros persas han mejorado la eficiencia del vehículo aéreo introduciendo algunas modificaciones en su diseño, señaló el militar.

"La versión iraní es mucho más ligera, consume menos combustible y, gracias a su composición, es más veloz y tiene más autonomía de vuelo. Los norteamericanos utilizaron metal en su construcción y nosotros no. Esto reduce las posibilidades de que sea detectado por radar", explicó.

Hayizadeh agregó que Irán contará con al menos dos o tres unidades del Sentinel mejorado antes del final del año persa en curso, que termina el próximo 20 de marzo. A continuación la aeronave será fabricada en serie.

Durante el lanzamiento, que tuvo lugar en una base aérea no especificada, también se exhibieron otros modelos de vehículos aéreos no tripulados, supuestamente fabricados en Irán, que Teherán planifica producir en serie.



unveiling of Iranian replicate of RQ 170, exhibition of IRGC aerospace division's achievements 

unveiling of the Iranian replicate of the RQ-170 during a visit by Ayatollah khamenei:
The Supreme Leader had a two-hour tour of the IRGC's Aerospace Exhibition where state-of-the-art equipment and hardware were showcased.

The advanced radar-evading US RQ-170 drone downed by the IRGC more than two years ago and its indigenized model developed by Iranian experts through reverse engineering were among the most important sections of the exhibition.

Ayatollah Khamenei also visited the IRGC's surface-to-surface missiles, including Zalzal, Persian Gulf, Hormuz 1, Hormuz 2, Fajr 5, Ra'ad 301 and solid-fuel, long-range Sejjil.

The Third of Khordad air defense system which has been completely designed and manufactured by Iranian experts was unveiled in the presence of the Iranian Supreme Leader. The Third of Khordad air defense system has been manufactured in 18 months. It has a range of 50 kilometers and it can concurrently trace four targets and simultaneously fire eight missiles.

Other achievements of the IRGC Aerospace Force were Tabas air defense system, a command-and-control center, different Ra'ad 1 and Ra'ad 2 air defense systems, different radars, including Bashir and Kavosh, and and electronic warfare command-and-control center were also displayed in the exhibition.

The Iranian Supreme Leader praised the IRGC Aerospace Force commanders and personnel for their achievements, and said, "This exhibition gives the message of power and inner capability to our officials announcing that 'we can'."
a 15% scale model of the RQ-170 has passed it's maiden flight, a 40% scale model and a 1/1 model will pass its maiden flight in the future within current Iranian year. IRGC plans to upgrade this drone to a (UCAV) bomber against enemy ships.
ask if you need a translation.


Publicado el 11 de may. de 2014 por  Mohsen


Iran's New RQ-170 Sentinel Stealth Drone: Flight footage of Iranian version of US drone released 

Iran's New RQ-170 Sentinel Stealth Drone: Flight footage of Iranian version of US drone released.

The footage of the Iranian version of a US drone which was brought down some three years ago and later reverse-engineered by Iranian experts has been released.

Iran recently put into operation a final version of the sophisticated US RQ-170 stealth aircraft, which was downed with minimal damage by the Iranian Armed Forces’ electronic warfare unit in December, 2011, while flying over the Iranian city of Kashmar, some 225 kilometers (140 miles) from the Afghan border.

The domestically produced version of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) made a successful maiden flight a few days ago the footage of which has just been released.

At the time when the American drone was captured, US military officials tried to play the incident down, saying Iran did not have the technology to decipher the data stored on the UAV. However, the aircraft was successfully reverse-engineered by IRGC experts in about two years.

In May, the Islamic Republic unveiled a copy of the American UAV originally designed and developed by the Lockheed Martin Company.

The drone is one of the United States’ most advanced spy aircraft and its loss is considered a major embarrassment for Washington.

In recent years, Iran has made major breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing important military equipment and systems.


Publicado el 12 de nov. de 2014 por  Rumoaohepta7


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