Ingenieros chinos crean un paraguas invisible

Un grupo de los graduados chinos de la Universidad de Aeronáutica han creado un 'paraguas invisible' y han obtenido financiación para empezar la producción, informa 'The Independent'.

Air Umbrella consta de una barra en cuyo centro hay una batería de litio y un extremo con un motor que arroja aire. Este aire forma una mampara que frena las gotas de lluvia. 

Gracias a las publicaciones sobre el invento los creadores han conseguido más de 32.000 dólares.  


Radical New Umbrella Concept Uses Air To Block Rain  

The so-called ‘Air Umbrella’ is a project on Kickstarter. The item doesn’t look like a normal umbrella, but instead bears more of a resemblance to a decent-sized microphone.

The design of the umbrella has, for the most part, remained the same for many years. The latest umbrella, however, is dramatically different.

Gone is the large and awkward cloth that protects a person from rain, as that component is replaced with a head that essentially spits out air.

The so-called ‘Air Umbrella’ is a project on Kickstarter. The item doesn’t look like a normal umbrella, but instead bears more of a resemblance to a decent-sized microphone.

Three main parts make up the device. The controller switch rests at the bottom. In the middle is a lithium battery. On top of that is a bulb of sorts that blows out jetted air.

That’s what prevents rain drops from hitting the user. When the umbrella is powered on, the tip spits out air in differing directions, which changes the landing course of falling droplets.

The airflow speed can be changed via the power switch. The minds behind the project say there will be three different options for the ‘Air Umbrella’ – Version A,B and C.

The differences between them is the length and battery life, which at maximum is 30 minutes.


Publicado el 14/10/2014 por  gdgtsbuzz


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